miercuri, 6 ianuarie 2016

Time to Rise, Woman

I want you to rise, woman.
Rise beyond confusion of your own nature,
rise beyond choosing comfort over truth,
rise beyond pleasing others to get validation,
rise beyond competition with other women and men,
rise beyond judging yourself and trying to fit into imaginary ideals,
love the child within you,
yet rise beyond her dreams...
rise beloved.
I’m right there behind you, holding your back.
We have some great things ahead of us, remember.
No more time to play small.
From now on we are stepping up.
From now on you have full permission to live the life you always wanted.
From now on we are not holding back our love.
From now on we are choosing empowerment for all.
From now on let the fire burn all that’s not true.
Are you in?

I know, you are.

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